

How To Learn MLOps in 2024? A Step-by-Step Career Guide

In recent years, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) has become a hot field in the tech industry. As businesses rely more on data-driven solutions, MLOps pros are in demand to deploy and manage machine learning models effectively.

But what is MLOps, and how do you learn MLOps in 2024 and become an MLOps engineer?

In this guide, we’ll explain how to learn MLOps in 2024 and give you a roadmap to start your journey in this exciting field.

What is MLOps?

MLOps, short for machine learning operations, involves deploying, managing, and monitoring machine learning models in production. It blends machine learning, software engineering, and operations to streamline ML projects. 

Moreover, MLOps aims to connect data scientists with IT teams, enabling quick, reliable, and scalable deployment of ML models. This is vital for businesses wanting to harness AI and ML effectively.

Here are some of the key components that work together to drive a successful machine learning project:

  • Data Preparation: Acquiring, cleaning, and organizing data for training ML models.
  • Model Training: Developing and refining ML models using algorithms like supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning.
  • Model Deployment: Deploying trained and tested models into production for real-time data predictions.
  • Monitoring and Maintenance: Monitoring deployed models’ performance, detecting issues or anomalies, and maintaining them for accurate results.
What is MLOps?

How to Learn MLOps in 2024 For A Career? A Step-by-Step Guide

1- Learn Python programming

Python’s simplicity makes it a top choice for data analytics and machine learning. Libraries like Pandas and Scikit-learn help with complex tasks, making it easier to manage machine learning operations (MLOps).

Learning Python is crucial for MLOps. It helps automate workflows and build strong ML models. As an MLOps engineer, you’ll use Python to work with APIs and databases, create efficient algorithms, and build scalable ML solutions.

Python is also essential for model-serving frameworks like TensorFlow Serving and Flask, which deploy models in real-world settings.

To start learning Python, check out our Machine Learning Fundamentals with Python skill track.

Read More: Top 10 Python Libraries For Data Scientists

2- Data Management

Data management is a crucial aspect of MLOps. It ensures that data is reliable and available for informed decision-making and model reliability.

As an MLOps engineer, you’ll need to organize and store data effectively, often in a cloud environment. This includes working with databases like SQL and NoSQL.

Handling large datasets requires knowledge of tools like Apache Spark for distributed data processing. Understanding data warehousing and ETL processes is also essential for managing data at scale.

3- Get an understanding of core machine learning concepts

To succeed in MLOps, you’ll need a solid grasp of core machine learning concepts like supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.

Understanding feature engineering and selection is crucial for feeding the right data into your models, optimizing performance for your specific use case.

You’ll also need to master concepts like bias, variance, and the bias-variance tradeoff to optimize models effectively.

A deep understanding of these concepts ensures that models are accurate and generalize well to new data, avoiding issues like overfitting or underfitting.

In addition, you should also get familiar with model evaluation metrics such as:

  • Accuracy
  • Precision
  • Recall
  • F1-score
  • ROC curves
  • Area Under Curve (AUC)

4- Learn CI/CD pipelines and Version Control

Version control systems are essential for managing multiple machine learning model pipelines and enabling team collaboration. 

Moreover, tools like Git help maintain consistency and integrity in code and model iterations.

Integration of Continuous Integration (CI) with version control automates model training and testing processes, ensuring robust model development before deployment. This setup promotes early issue detection and smooth operations.

5- Familiarize yourself with Orchestration

5- Orchestration

Another key skill to learn in MLOps is orchestration. Orchestration in MLOps refers to the systematic coordination and management of machine learning workflows.

This involves:

  • Workflow Scheduling: Establish automated schedules to run training and evaluation jobs at predetermined intervals.
  • Dependency Management: Ensure all tasks respect the sequence of operations and data dependencies to maintain workflow integrity.
  • Resource Allocation: Automate the distribution of computational resources for different tasks to optimize for efficiency and cost.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Implement continuous monitoring of the orchestration pipeline, recording system metrics and logs.
  • Error Handling and Recovery: Design workflows to gracefully handle failures, with strategies for automatic retries or fallbacks.

To carry out such tasks, orchestration tools like Kubernetes or Apache Airflow are typically used.

6- Learn model deployment and monitoring 

In MLOps, deploying and monitoring models are essential steps in the project lifecycle.

Model deployment involves making the model available in a production environment, enabling it to make real-time predictions on new data. This often includes creating APIs or microservices that other applications can access within an organization.

Moreover, monitoring models is crucial for identifying issues like data drift or performance degradation, allowing for proactive debugging with timely alerts.

Containerization is a key practice for deploying models in MLOps, simplifying both development and operations.

Here are some best practices for effective containerization:

  1. Define Container Images: Create a lightweight, standalone, and executable software package as the container image.
  2. Manage Containers: Use platforms like Docker and Kubernetes for easy and agile container creation, deployment, and management.
  3. Ensure Portability: Containers encapsulate the runtime environment, ensuring consistency across different infrastructures.
  4. Facilitate Microservices Architecture: Implement microservices to improve scalability and fault isolation by segmenting applications into smaller, containerized services.
  5. Integrate CI/CD Pipelines: Automate the deployment process for containerized applications to ensure robust and repeatable builds.

7- DevOps

DevOps is a set of practices that combine software development and IT operations, aiming to shorten the system development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality.

To implement MLOps, you need to integrate DevOps with machine learning workflows. This involves using development best practices such as version control systems and agile methodologies.

A solid understanding of Linux commands is crucial for managing the cloud-based infrastructure where most MLOps projects are deployed.

Here are some practices to consider:

  • Automate and Integrate: Establish a culture of rapid, frequent, and reliable software building, testing, and releasing.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Ensurecollaboration between developers and operations teams.
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Implement pipelines that automate the software release process.
  • Monitoring and Logging: Maintain monitoring and logging practices to preemptively identify and solve issues.
  • Performance Metrics: Measure application and infrastructure performance to ensure customer satisfaction.
How to learn MLOps in 2024?

What are the 8 key MLOps tools to master in 2024?

To excel in MLOps, you need proficiency in various tools and platforms designed to streamline the machine learning lifecycle:

  1. Data Version Control (DVC): Manages data sets, machine learning models, and experiments with version control capabilities.
  2. MLflow: Facilitates the ML lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility, and deployment.
  3. Kubeflow: A Kubernetes-native platform for deploying scalable machine learning workflows.
  4. TensorFlow Extended (TFX): Orchestrates TensorFlow data pipelines end-to-end.
  5. Apache Airflow: Orchestrates complex computational workflows and data processing pipelines.
  6. Docker: Essential for creating and sharing containerized environments, ensuring consistency across developmental and production systems.
  7. Kubernetes: A container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management.
  8. Prometheus & Grafana: For monitoring the performance of models and infrastructure.

Each of these tools plays a critical role in different aspects of the MLOps lifecycle, from data management to model deployment and monitoring.

8 MLOps tools to learn in 2024.

Our Conclusion: How To Learn MLOps in 2024?

To wrap things up, let’s have a look at what we’ve covered to learn MLOps in 2024:

  1. MLOps is a set of best practices and tools that bring together software development (DevOps) and machine learning to streamline the ML lifecycle.
  2. Implementing DevOps principles in MLOps ensures efficient collaboration, automation, monitoring, and performance optimization.
  3. Gaining practical experience involves learning various MLOps tools and platforms, working on hands-on projects, and seeking out opportunities for practice and growth.
  4. Certification and training programs provide structured learning and validation of skills in MLOps.
  5. Networking and community involvement are essential for staying updated, building a strong network, and advancing one’s career in MLOps.

For better and guided learning to start a career in ML, we recommend joining our AI bootcamp. But if you want to kickstart your learning from scratch starting for data science, our DS bootcamp is the perfect way to start.