
60 Days of Python Bootcamp

Fee: PKR 30,000

Learn Python programming with our 60-days of Python Bootcamp, designed to take you from basics to advanced skills. Beyond learning, you’ll complete over 50 portfolio projects, from games, OOPs, GUIs, web development, Scrapping, Automation and  data science. This hands-on journey not only solidifies your coding foundation but also enhances your portfolio, preparing you for a tech career or skill advancement.
Ready to transform your coding dreams into reality? Let’s code! </>

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand and apply the fundamentals of Python programming, including variables, data types, control flow, and functions.
  • Develop and debug complex Python programs, utilizing advanced concepts such as object-oriented programming (OOP) and data structures.
  • Create interactive web applications using Flask and implement front-end designs with HTML and CSS.
  • Perform data analysis with pandas and data visualization with libraries like matplotlib and Seaborn.
  • Work with external APIs, automate tasks using Selenium WebDriver, and manage data with SQLite and SQLAlchemy.
  • Apply your Python skills to build real-world projects, ranging from web scrapers and automation bots to data analysis and visualization tools.
  • Gain a fundamental understanding of web development, API integration, and database management.


Week 1: Introduction to Python and Basics

  • Day 1

Topic: Working with Variables, Understanding Data Types
Projects: BMI Calculator, Tip Calculator

  • Day 2

Topic: Control and Logical Flow, If/Else Statements
Projects: Treasure Island, Pizza Order

  • Day 3

Topic: Randomization in Python, Nested Lists
Projects: Treasure Map, Rock Paper Scissors

Week 2: Python Loops and Functions

  • Day 4

Topic: Python Loops, Using Loops with Lists

Projects: Fizz Buzz, Password Generator

  • Day 5

Topic: Python Functions and Karel, Calling Functions, While Loops

Projects: Hurdles Challenge, Escaping the Maze

  • Day 6

Topic: Hangman Game Development

Challenges: Picking Random Words, Checking Answers, Replacing Blanks with Guesses, Tracking Lives

Week 3: Advanced Functions and Dictionaries

  • Day 7

Topic: Function Parameters and Caesar Cipher

Projects: Caesar Cipher (Encryption, Decryption)

  • Day 8

Topic: Dictionaries, Nesting, and the Secret Auction

Projects: Python Dictionaries Quiz, Grading Program

  • Day 9

Topic: Functions with Outputs, Docstrings, While Loops, Recursion

Projects: Days in Month, Calculator (Combining Dictionaries and Functions)

Week 4: Capstone and OOP Basics

  • Day 10

Topic: Capstone Project (Blackjack, Scope, and Number Guessing Game), Debugging

  • Day 11

Topic: Higher-Lower Game, Coffee Machine Program

  • Day 12

Topic: Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

Projects: The Quiz Game

Week 5: GUI and Game Development

  • Day 13

Topic: Turtles and GUI, Instances, State, and Higher-Order Functions

  • Day 14

Topic: Snake Game Development Part 1 (Animation and Coordinates)

  • Day 15

Topic: Snake Game Development Part 2 (Inheritance and List Slicing)

Week 6: Advanced Game Projects

  • Day 16

Topic: Build Pong Game, Turtle Crossing Capstone Project

  • Day 17

Topic: Files, Dictionaries, and Paths, Working with CSV Data and Pandas

  • Day 18

Topic: List Comprehension and NATO Alphabet

Projects: GUI Application with Tkinter, Dynamic Typing

Week 7: GUI Applications and Security

  • Day 19

Topic: Password Manager GUI App with Tkinter, Errors, Exceptions, and JSON Data

  • Day 20

Topic: Flashcard App Capstone Project, Send Email (smtplib) & Manage Dates

  • Day 21

Topic: API Endpoints and Parameters

Projects: ISS Overhead Notifier, GUI Quiz App

Week 8: API Integration and Web Scraping

  • Day 22

Topic: Keys Authentication and Environment Variables

Projects: Send SMS When It Rains, Stock Trading News Alert Project

  •  Day 23

Topic: API Post Requests and Headers

Projects: Habit Tracking, Workout Tracking using Google Sheets

  • Day 24

Topic: Capstone Part 1: Flight Deal Finder, Part 2: Flight Club

Week 9: Web Development Basics

  • Class 25: Day 25

Topic: Introduction to HTML, Intermediate HTML

  • Class 26: Day 26

Topic: Introduction to CSS, Intermediate CSS

  • Day 27

Topic: Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup

Projects: Create a Spotify Playlist using the Musical Time Machine

Week 10: Automation and Flask Introduction

  • Day 28

Topic: Selenium WebDriver Browser Automation and Game Playing Bot

Projects: Automated Amazon Price Tracker

  • Day 29

Topic: Automating Job Applications on LinkedIn, Internet Speed Complaint Bot

  • Day 30

Topic: Instagram Follower Bot, Web Scraping Capstone – Data Entry Job Automation

Week 11: Advanced Flask Development

  • Day 31

Topic: Introduction to Web Development with Flask, HTML & URL Parsing in Flask

  • Day 32

Topic: Rendering HTML/Static Files, Using Website Templates, Templating with Jinja in Flask Applications

  • Day 33

Topic: Blog Capstone Project – Adding Styling, Post Requests with Flask, and HTML Forms

Week 12: Databases and Final Projects

  • Day 34

Topic: Building Advanced Forms with Flask-WTForms, Flask, WTForms, Bootstrap, and CSV

Projects: Coffee and Wifi Project

  • Day 35

Topic: Databases with SQLite and SQLAlchemy, Top 10 Movies Website

  • Day 36

Topic: Final Capstone Project Presentation, Feedback, and Review


Hajira Anwar

Mahnoor Salman

Key Features

Foundation in Python

Start with the basics and gradually build a solid foundation in Python programming, covering variables, loops, and functions.

Portfolio Projects

Complete several portfolio projects focusing on real-world applications, like a Flight Deal Finder, to showcase your new skills.

Advanced Python Concepts

Dive deep into advanced topics such as OOP, error handling, file management, and data analysis to enhance your programming skills.

Web Development

Learn the essentials of web development, including HTML, CSS, Flask, and web scrapping, culminating in building your own blog and e-commerce site.

Data Analysis and Visualization

Analyze and visualize data using pandas, matplotlib, and Seaborn. Learn how to handle large datasets and draw insights.

APIs and Automation

Gain practical experience with external APIs, automate web tasks with Selenium, and develop applications that interact with the web.