
What Is SearchGPT? Here Is What You Need To Know

On Thursday, July 25, 2024, OpenAI introduced SearchGPT, a new AI search tool that’s changing the game from traditional keyword searches to a more conversational approach.

Instead of typing in specific keywords, you can now just ask questions naturally, like you would in a chat. It’s a big shift from the old way of searching, where you had to be pretty precise with your terms.

1- So, how does SearchGPT stack up against Google?
2-What sets it apart from AI Overviews?
3- And how does it differ from ChatGPT?

Let’s explore all these questions in this detailed blog.

What Is SearchGPT?

SearchGPT is a new search engine from OpenAI that uses AI to make finding information easier and more intuitive.

Unlike a simple chatbot like ChatGPT, SearchGPT is designed to enhance your search experience in several key ways.

Direct Answers

Instead of just giving you a list of links, SearchGPT provides direct answers to your questions. For example, if you ask, “What are the best wireless noise-canceling headphones for 2024?”

It will give you a summary of the top options, including their pros and cons based on expert reviews and user feedback.

Relevant Sources

SearchGPT includes clear citations and links to the sources it uses. This means you can easily check where the information comes from and explore the topic further if you’re interested.

Conversational Search

With SearchGPT, you can interact with the search engine in a more conversational way. You can ask follow-up questions or adjust your initial query based on the answers you get, making your search experience more dynamic and tailored to your needs.

SearchGPT vs. Google

Everyone’s buzzing about SearchGPT as a major new player in the search world. Here’s how it stacks up against Google.

Conversational vs. Keyword-Based Search

SearchGPT lets you ask questions in natural language and follow up with additional queries, making the search process feel more like a conversation. This creates a more engaging and interactive experience.

Google, on the other hand, uses a traditional keyword-based approach. You type in search terms and get a list of web pages to sift through.

Direct Answers vs. Lists of Links

SearchGPT stands out by providing direct answers to your questions. It pulls together information from various sources, summarizes it, and cites those sources clearly, so you don’t have to click through multiple links to find what you need.

Google usually gives you a list of links, and you have to dig through those results to find the information yourself.

Denis Yarats, Co-Founder and CTO at Perplexity AI, notes that while Google is an incredibly sophisticated tool, there’s room for improvement. For instance, SearchGPT can save you time by cutting out the need to sift through multiple links and do a lot of manual work.

AI-Powered Understanding vs. Keyword Matching

SearchGPT uses AI to understand the intent behind your queries. This means it can deliver more relevant results, even if your question isn’t perfectly phrased or uses ambiguous terms.

Google relies mainly on keyword matching, which can sometimes lead to less relevant results, especially for complex or nuanced queries.

Dynamic Context vs. Isolated Searches

SearchGPT keeps track of context across multiple interactions, letting you build on previous questions for more personalized responses. It’s like having a conversation with a knowledgeable assistant.

Google treats each search as a separate query, without any memory of past searches.

Up-to-Date Information vs. Crawling the Entire Web

SearchGPT aims to provide the latest and most accurate information by using real-time data. This helps ensure you get the most current updates on a topic.

Google’s comprehensive index covers a vast range of web pages, but it might include outdated or less relevant information.

SearchGPT vs. AI Overviews

Both SearchGPT and AI Overviews use artificial intelligence, but they take different approaches and offer different levels of detail. Keep in mind that both are still evolving, so their features and functionalities might change or overlap in the future.


Here’s what SearchGPT and AI Overviews have in common:

  • AI-Powered Summarization: Both use AI to gather and summarize information from various sources, giving users a condensed overview of a topic.
  • Direct Answers: They both aim to provide direct answers to questions instead of just showing a list of links, which helps users quickly find relevant information.


Here’s how SearchGPT and AI Overviews differ:

FeatureSearchGPTAI Overviews
Source AttributionProvides clear citations with direct links to original sources for easy verification.Links are provided but may not be as clear or directly linked to specific claims.
ConversationalitySupports dynamic interactions with follow-up questions and retains context.Typically offers a single response without interactive dialogue.
Scope and DepthAims to give comprehensive answers with a broad range of sources, possibly including multimedia.Focuses on brief overviews with key points and guiding links for more details.
Transparency/ControlOffers publishers controls over how their content is used, including opting out of AI training.Less transparency about how content is selected and summarized.

SearchGPT vs. ChatGPT

Though both SearchGPT and ChatGPT are developed by OpenAI and share some core similarities, they serve different purposes and have key differences.


Here’s how SearchGPT and ChatGPT are alike:

  • Conversational Interface: Both allow users to interact through natural language queries and follow-up questions, making them user-friendly.
  • Foundation: Both are based on OpenAI’s advanced language models, giving them strong natural language understanding and generation capabilities.
  • Information Access: They both have access to a lot of information, though the specifics of their sources and how current the information is can vary.

SearchGPT vs. AI Overviews

Although both SearchGPT and AI Overviews leverage AI, they have distinct approaches and offer different levels of detail. Both are still evolving, so their features and functionalities might change over time.


Here’s what SearchGPT and AI Overviews have in common:

  • AI-Powered Summarization: Both use AI to pull together information from various sources and provide a summarized overview of a topic.
  • Direct Answers: They aim to give direct answers to queries, helping users quickly find the information they need without having to sift through multiple links.


Here’s how SearchGPT and AI Overviews differ:

FeatureSearchGPTAI Overviews
Primary PurposeDesigned to provide direct answers and source citations from the web.Focused on generating text responses and summaries based on its training data.
Information SourcesRelies on real-time web information for up-to-date answers.Based on training data, which might not always be current.
Response FormatOffers concise answers with clear citations and source links.Provides longer, flexible responses, including summaries, creative content, and more.
Use CasesIdeal for research, fact-finding, and tasks needing current information.Best for creative writing, brainstorming, drafting emails, and other open-ended tasks.

SearchGPT and ChatGPT Duo

OpenAI has mentioned plans to integrate SearchGPT’s search capabilities into ChatGPT in the future. This could create a more powerful tool that combines SearchGPT’s search functionalities with ChatGPT’s conversational abilities.

As both tools continue to develop, their features and capabilities will likely evolve.

SearchGPT vs. Perplexity

SearchGPT and Perplexity are both AI-powered search engines aimed at transforming how we find and interact with information online. They have similarities but also key differences in their technology, features, and target audience.


Here’s how SearchGPT and Perplexity are similar:

  • AI-Powered Search: Both use AI to enhance
  • search capabilities, making the process more intuitive and conversational.
  • Conversational Interface: Both allow users to ask follow-up questions and refine queries in a conversational manner, offering a dynamic search experience.
  • Source Attribution: Both emphasize citing and linking to original sources, ensuring transparency and helping users verify information.


Underlying TechnologyBased on OpenAI’s language models (like GPT-4).Uses a mix of LLMs and search engine technologies.
InterfaceLikely to have a streamlined interface with direct answers.Offers a visually rich interface with suggested questions and related topics.
FocusAimed at general knowledge and information queries.Tailored to researchers and academics with citation support.
IntegrationsPlans to integrate with ChatGPT.May offer integrations with research tools and platforms.

When Will SearchGPT Be Released?

SearchGPT is currently in a prototype phase and not yet widely available. OpenAI is testing it with a select group of users and publishers to refine the product. You can join the waitlist on SearchGPT’s webpage if you want to try it out, but a full public release is unlikely by the end of 2024. It’s more probable that SearchGPT’s features will gradually be integrated into ChatGPT throughout 2024 and 2025, with a possible standalone release later, depending on testing and feedback.

Can SearchGPT Compete With Google?

While SearchGPT shows promise, Google still holds a strong position in the search engine market due to several factors:

  • Established Infrastructure: Google has built an unmatched index of web pages over decades, providing access to a vast amount of information.
  • Market Dominance: Google’s long-standing presence has made it the default search engine for many people—searching online is often referred to as “googling.”
  • Powerful Ecosystem: Google’s integration with other products like Gmail, Maps, and YouTube creates a powerful ecosystem that’s hard to disrupt.
  • Additional Features: Google offers a wide range of services such as Maps, News, Images, and Shopping, which are seamlessly integrated into its search experience. It also excels in specialized areas like local search and shopping.

AI Overviews Development

To stay competitive, Google is likely to enhance AI Overviews, focusing on improving conversational capabilities and source attribution. Google’s resources might also ensure that AI Overviews deliver comprehensive answers and real-time data.

The competition between SearchGPT and AI Overviews could drive innovation in the search engine market, leading to more powerful and intuitive search tools.

The Future of Search

AI is set to redefine how we interact with information online, moving from traditional keyword-based search to more conversational and interactive experiences. AI helps search engines understand user intent better, provide relevant responses, and offer personalized results.

The integration of multimedia content, like images and videos, is also expanding the possibilities of search, making it more engaging and informative.

Personalized and Context-Aware Search

AI could improve search by understanding user intent more deeply, leading to results that consider a user’s search history, preferences, and real-time context.

Conversational interfaces, like SearchGPT’s, may become the norm, making interactions with search engines more natural.

Ethical Considerations and Challenges

AI-powered search raises ethical concerns, including potential biases in results, the spread of misinformation, and privacy issues related to tracking user behavior.

Additionally, the impact on content creators, who may see reduced traffic as search engines provide direct answers, needs to be addressed.

The Road Ahead

The coming years are likely to bring ongoing innovation in search technology. As AI advances, we can expect new features and capabilities that expand what search engines can do.

However, balancing AI with human curation, ensuring trust and transparency, and addressing ethical concerns will be crucial as the search landscape evolves.


SearchGPT represents a significant advance in search engines, with its conversational interface, focus on direct answers, and commitment to transparency potentially changing how we find and interact with information online.

Although Google’s dominance remains strong, AI-powered competitors like SearchGPT and Perplexity are ushering in a new era of innovation and competition. For those interested in AI, a curated set of courses on AI Fundamentals could provide further insights.